Starting in 2012 you will receive one lifetime, Superior 100 hooded finishers sweatshirt when you finish the race (not a sweatshirt each year you finish) – you will be given a patch with your first name on it to sew onto the left chest and an orange star for each year that you finish – (starting with the left sleeve, down at the cuff as illustrated). If you have completed the race previously, we will provide you with stars for your previous finishes as well – some people will already be working on a second full sleeve! This is a fun way for others to know who you are (your name patch) and a cool way for others to see how many finishes others have achieved. Past finishers who plan to not compete in the race again may also purchase a sweatshirt – more info to come on this early in 2013. Sweatshirts will be high-quality Rocksteady Running 10 oz Cotton-Poly blend and will holdup for a lifetime! This is a vision we have had for awhile and will take a little work (getting your patches sewn on), but will be a pretty neat way to show off your participation in the race and represent the Superior 100! Unisex sizes Small through XXL.